Addition to our popular Flexi Light series

17. 2. 2025

One of our most popular and bestselling series of recent years, Flexi Light, is getting an addition: a chair with a four-legged base.

Like the whole Flexi Light series, the new model has been designed by Orlandini Design, Italy. The shell with its flexible upper part provides remarkable comfort. The chairs are stackable, which is very practical for storage.

The whole production process of the new Flexi Light model – from the metal base to the polyurethane shell – is carried out at our facilities in Boskovice, so our environmental impact is minimised.

The chair can get a very attractive look if the colour of the metal base is matched with that of the shell upholstery: there is a choice of eight standard powder coating shades and several shades of fabric and leatherette, which beautifully match the bases.

The four-legged Flexi Light chair is an elegant and functional piece of furniture that can easily fit in any place. You can see for yourselves. 


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